The Sound-in-Practice Survey

The Sound-Frameworks survey integrates perspectives from sound artists, researchers and students alongside employees from Arup, Struer Kommune, UrbanIdentity, Theatrum Mundi, Publica, Platform 78, NIRAS, The Quality of Life Foundation, JML Water Features, Heneghan Peng Architects, David Chipperfield Architects, Harman, Bang & Olufsen, The Bartlett and others. These exchanges were distilled in a database of best practice guidelines that supports the development of the Sound-Frameworks design tool. All of the survey interviews as well as a series of open-format interviews are available on the open access data repository Zenodo, both as textual transcriptions and audio files. There is an embargo on these files until March 2024, but the records can still be accessed at this time.

Access the Sound-Frameworks Survey Interviews


The Sound-Frameworks survey explores individual practitioners’ experiences working with sound in the design and planning of the public realm. Each survey interview contains a background discussion followed by a case study of a project chosen by each participant in collaboration with Sound-Frameworks’ lead Sven Anderson.


Alongside the survey, Sound-Frameworks involves open-format interviews with practitioners to discuss their experience working with sound in the context of the public realm as well as in other forms of research and design practice.

Get Involved

The Sound-Frameworks survey and open-format interview series are extensible, and will develop to include more participants in years to come. Get in touch if you are interested in contributing, or if you know of someone who Sound-Frameworks should approach.